
Yeshivas Toras Simcha provides an authentic Torah education and a robust General Studies curriculum in a warm and nurturing environment. Our dedicated staff infuses students with a passion for learning, a love of mitzvos and chesed. YTS is the foundation for Jewish continuity and a vital part of the fabric of the Baltimore Jewish community. Below are some of the ways you can help support our school.


Annual Campaign

The Annual Campaign is the foundation of YTS’s fundraising.
We depend on your gift to bridge the gap between operational expenses and income from tuition, fees and other sources.


Parnes Hayom

For $180 you can sponsor the learning of 125 students for one day at YTS.
Sponsorship may be in memory of a loved one, for a refuah sheleimah, or in honor of a simcha, etc.


Amazon Smile

Simply go to and login. Search “Yeshivas Toras Simcha Inc.” to select us as your charity of choice, and continue shopping while supporting our yeshiva.


Tribute Cards

For $10, YTS mails a tribute card to your recipient acknowledging your gift in his/her honor — a great way to celebrate a simcha or to express your appreciation. Packets of 5 cost $30.


Legacy Gifts

Whether you use a will or other estate planning vehicle, your generosity can do a world of good. The act of creating a legacy gives you peace and assures that the Jewish future will be bright.


Building Fund

In July 2020 YTS moved into our new facility on Sudbrook Lane. We now own our own beautiful building. Please review our list of naming opportunities to see how you can help.



You are the reason we have your precious grandchildren in our school. We hope you consider an annual gift and/or sponsor days of learning on special occasions Let us commemorate with you.


Corporate Sponsors

Each day when our precious children learn Torah the merit of their learning will accrue to you and your company. You and your family will reap the reward for your generosity in this world and the next.


Box Tops

Turn your every day receipts into cash for Yeshivas Toras Simcha. Simply buy, scan, and earn using the Box Tops for Education Bonus App in combination with the onpack Box Tops clip.

DAF direct

Daf Direct

DAF Direct welcomes donors to recommend grants from their donor–advised fund, also known as a DAF. Neither YTS nor our donors incur any download or transaction fees.


Agudah Scrip

Tzedakah scrip is given to mishulachim instead of cash or a check. The mishulachim then exchange it at the Agudath Israel of Park Heights for cash.